Clones Lace by Maire Treanor 3rd edition

Clones Lace by Maire Treanor

  • €30,00
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This fascinating book tells the social history of the crochet lacemaking tradition in south Ulster, Ireland, when thousands of women and children, through their creative lace making, redeemed their families from the clutches of famine and disease. 

                                                                                                                                            The motifs and patterns that Maire has transcribed into the book come from an oral tradition, often passed from mother to daughter, since 1847. The book, aimed at the beginner, contains guides to motifs that will introduce you to the beautiful craft of Clones lacemaking.                       

This is the 3rd edition of Maire's book of “The Story and Patterns of an Irish Crochet" and has the addition of many colour photographs as well as international crochet charts to work from.

A must for any Irish lace enthusiast!

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