Crochet Abbreviation UK and USA terms
Posted by Rita Gouveia Baptista Alves on
Crochet abbreviations are one of the first topics which we teach at The Crafty Rock crochet classes.
The crochet abbreviations are normally found at the beginning of a pattern, or in the front or back of a crochet pattern book.
The most fundamental point is to understand if your pattern is written in British English crochet terms (UK) or American English crochet terms (USA).
One would like to believe that the terms used for crochet would be the same in British English or American English, but this is not the case and to “translate” them you can use the table below.
Any good crochet pattern should at the beginning identify which terms are used through out the pattern.
But if not stated, an easy way to find if a pattern is written in UK or USA terms is to look if the words “single crochet” or “sc” are written anywhere. If you find a single crochet stitch, you know the pattern is in US terms. If not, you can’t be completely sure, but most likely the pattern is in UK terms.
Hope this tip will help you to enjoy your crochet even more.

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